9 steps for a speedy water heater repair process
The water heater is one of the most important appliances in your home. It provides hot water for bathing, dish washing, and other household tasks. If something goes wrong with your water heater it can be an inconvenience to say the least; taking time off work to wait for a service technician to , replacing or installing a water heater . A water heater can be an expensive appliance to repair. But if you follow these 9 steps, it will make the process go faster and smoother. Step 1: Shut Off The Water Supply The first thing you want to do before doing any work on your water heater is shutting off the cold-water supply that connects to it. If you don't know where the shut-off is, now's a good time to find it. Step 2: Turn Off The Power Then, you want to turn off the power. It doesn't matter if you have gas or electric water heaters, both need their power turned off. This can be done very easily by going down into your electrical box and finding the breaker that controls your...